It's Time to Get Serious About Preparing to Meet the Lord Jesus!
We are VERY near to the Lord's return and MUST prepare - please click on the below link to understand about the Lord's SOON return. As in the days of Noah, it seemed that all was going as normal but then quickly came a time of sudden destruction. Noah had listened to the Lord, but the multitudes walked in their own ways without truly seeking God. These multitudes faced sudden destruction instead of the safety of the ark. However, there is HOPE to those who take the Lord seriously and prepare just as Noah did.
Please watch the following video which will help explain about WHY our world is falling apart and HOW to be PREPARED for the Lord's soon return and know HOPE!
We are very close to difficult times and terrible war coming upon this world in the near future. Yet despite whatever trials occur, you can still know that Jesus is real and He cares for you so we should take Him and His teachings seriously. Make each day count for the Lord because we do not have an eternity to live on this earth...for many, it will be too late for them to call out in repentance. We need to take God and His teachings very seriously and get truly right with Him before the door closes. (Video narrator: Faythe Butler)
In one hour EVERYTHING in going to change - A powerful Holy Spirit filled message from David Wilkerson
David Wilkerson states "The prophet Isaiah said (paraphrased) that a time is coming when God is going to turn everything upside down. A sudden judgment is coming to this world. If you are tied to this world and in love with the things of this world then you are not walking with the Lord and not wanting to hear this .... you may not want to take it seriously." What David Wilkerson shares here, however, is not a prophecy from a mere man but from the pure word of God and must be taken seriously if you truly value your eternal soul...
Since everything will change suddenly and in the near future then make sure now that you are truly ready to meet the Lord! Here is another very excellent message which will help you to be truly ready and prepared.
Our Mission - To Help Lead Others to a Saving Faith in Jesus Christ!
This is a ministry that shares God's truths very straightforwardly but in a spirit of love. We wish to share the Gospel above all else since this is the most urgent message people need to know and the one message which brings the hope of salvation to mankind. We ask all people to be highly alert since many false gospels are being shared that exclude God's full truths. For the true Gospel message please click below.
Our Teachings - Based on the Bible
We seek the Bible as our authority for truth. You are welcome to view an assortment of articles on a variety of very important Christian topics. We pray that the articles here will not only guide in the fullness of God's truths but also give encouragement and hope.
Our Purpose
The main purpose of this ministry is to obey the Lord in sharing the Gospel with all people that the lost may be saved and that the righteous be encouraged, edified, and led in the truth in all areas. We also wish to share other faithful ministries in the Body of Christ who faithfully and accurately teach God's truths in a spirit of love..
Please Share God's Truths!
The most urgent mission according to the Lord Jesus Christ is that we 'feed His sheep'. The Lord wants us to be more concerned about the salvation of men's souls than any other priority since He wants no one to perish apart from Him in hell, but for all to come to repentance and know the hope of eternal life (2 Peter 3:9). Please pass on any messages as you feel led and if you would like to be involved in crucial Christian missions work please click below. Thank you!
If you have any prayer requests, questions or comments, please send us an email and we will get back with you as soon as possible. Thank you!